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Peace Officers are expected to talk things out, and force is reserved for when suspects won't cooperate. Doesn't Like Guns: The World Union as a whole, with the exception of their armed forces, has no firearms of any kind.Let's start with how marriage is defunct and children are seen as commodities to be brought up in institutions.Deliberate Values Dissonance: Played for horror.He was actually killed by a Lotus-Eater Machine which creates scenarios so intense he died of a brain hemorrhage while running a sex simulation. Death by Sex: Spencer is said to have died in coitus.Dark and Troubled Past: Phoenix's parents were killed in riots during the Great Economic War, and she had to survive on the streets until the Union Army arrived to save the city from rebels and she was found by Amnesty International.For added nerve, when she inevitably botches the job, she claims it's Phoenix's fault for not having the right face for it. Both times she's just using Phoenix as an easy mark to test some experimental beauty programs. Cosmetic Catastrophe: Phoenix is twice offered a free makeover by Roger Arnet's assistant.There's also the hint that Big Brother Is Watching. Comm Links: The Personal Assistant or PA, which is a video phone, a diary, a scanner and a map.Phoenix spots the connection immediately. Character Name Alias: An NPC masquerading as a police officer goes by the moniker Harry Callahan.First time when Phoenix was remembering her time on the streets, second was after she discovers the Renovators control room in the tunnels and the third time was when she escaped from the crashing elevator in the mining camp that she was transported to by the Renovators. That last one actually gets the option to reapply, provided they shape up. One is a murderer, one is a hacker, and one is. Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Over the course of the game, you have to interview three potential citizens, each with a character flaw that will disqualify them if you ask the right questions to expose it.It's only later that you learn this isn't public knowledge. However, it is posited that the sun might be refueled by way of wormhole. Scientists have rather overestimated its remaining lifetime and it is set to occur by the year 3000. Apocalypse How: The game opens with a prediction of a Planetary Total Extinction event by way of the sun entering its red giant phase.Even Phoenix, who is reserved by Union standards, sleeps with two different men and oogles the bouncer at the Stardust Club. All Women Are Lustful: Morrisen says at one point that it is women who sexually harass men.

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